Organized By Andrea Ginter
749 Goulding St, Winnipeg, MB R3G (49.889610, -97.181320)
So it's almost spring! It's about time to sort through all your crap in the closet that is just taking up space and make room for new stuff. This is a fun way to do it! If you have never been to a clothing swap before, here is what happens: - Go through your house and your closet and gather items that you don't want or need : Clothing, Footwear, Accessories, and any other odds and ends you have no use for (as long as someone else will actually want it, no garbage or ripped clothing of course) - Bring your bags of stuff to my place - We will then sort everything by category - The fun begins! Everyone then rummages through the piles of stuff, and you take what you want! Another person's trash is another person's treasure! - Anything that is left over I will bring to Salvation Army! So bring your stuff and a little snack! There will be wine (unless you want to bring another form of booze) and some snacks to munch on. Feel free to bring a friend or two! The more the merrier! Also the more stuff there will be to pick through! Any more questions? message me on facebook or text me at 380-3232!