Videoart at Midnight #51: The seminar 'Militant Investigation'

Organized By Videoart at Midnight

Location: BABYLON Mitte Kino, 10119 Berlin

BABYLON Mitte Kino, 10119 Berlin (52.530020, 13.406615)


Tuesday is on Friday - The seminar 'Militant Investigation' of the Masters course Space Strategies, Berlin Weißensee School of Art will take place on Friday, Jan 17th, 2013, 24:00 | midnight BABYLON, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin, big cinema hall (Eintritt frei | admission free) We are very pleased that the seminar 'Militant Investigation' of the Masters course Space Strategies, Berlin Weißensee School of Art will take place within the frame of Videoart at Midnight. Participants: Sonja Hornung, Selina Lampe, Yukiko Nagakura, Laura Engelhardt, Alex Head, Eva Pandulova, Jenny Marlene Vollmer, Erkin Go, Lerato Shadi, Eva Giannakopoulou, Alejandro Strus, Julia Masagão, Imma Harms, Alice Creischer and Andreas Siekmann. The term Militant Investigation refers to a method of research that came into use in context of the wildcat strikes and the Autonomist Operaist movement of the 60s in Northern Italy. As part of the Autonomous Left movement, the term encompasses a vital departure from the dogmatism of the Communist Party. From that point onwards, Militant Investigation has emerged again and again in countless political movements and discussions -- as a mythos, as an epistemology, and as a collective form of knowledge. It stands for a theoretical engagement that rejects scientific objectivity and instead demands the involvement of the author in a collective political praxis. In this seminar we would like to use the concept 'Militant Investigation' to critically reflect on the concept of 'Artistic Research'. What does Militant Investigation have to do with artistic practice? 'Militant Investigation is not a type of research in which you find truth. You find an amalgam of your own subjectivity, your own truths, which perhaps might intermingle with your experiences but which naturally never offer total access to the Other.' Detlev Hartmann, ExArgentina Catalogue, Cologne 2004 Image source: Wir freuen uns Euch zu sehen | we are looking forward to seeing you Herzliche Grüße | best regards Ivo Wessel, Olaf Stüber -- OLAF STÜBER Strausberger Platz 19, 9th floor, 10243 Berlin Fon +49(0)30.283 863 12,