Organized By Twente Toastmasters
M.H. Tromplaan 28,Enschede (52.220332, 6.886358)
All Hallows' Eve is upon us and that brings us a night of horror, costumes and CANDY!!! Well, let's stick to speeches, evaluations and improvisational speeches (and maybe some CANDY!!!) for this coming meeting ;) At Toastmasters you can learn how deliver speeches, lead meetings – and participate in them – more confidently; speaking smoother off the cuff; even handling one-on-one interactions with family, friends and colleagues more positively. We help you to overcome nerves, organize your speech and your thoughts as well. Curious? Feel welcome to join us and check out Toastmasters. Meetings are open, so come, watch and enjoy! This meeting is instead of our meeting on the 22nd. The meeting will take place in room H1.38