Broetry Night: The Finale featuring Greg Gerding & Chris Leja!!!

Organized By The Sparrow Ghost Collective

Location: The Pointy House: 2930 SE Clay

The Pointy House: 2930 SE Clay (33.700382, -86.603768)


Sparrow Ghost Collective and Press owes everything to this night. It's why we came in the first place, why we're still here, why many of us decided we want to do this with our lives. After over two years, we're closing up shop (er, living room) and moving to Southeast, where we are starting a SECOND CITY-WIDE POETRY SLAM at the Blue Monk with the help of our friends over at Backspace. (Opening night is this Thursday, October 18th!! 7:30 signups, 8 start. 2, 3 and 4 minute rounds!) Thank you sincerely to everyone who's taken us in over the years, including and especially the Treehouse. Broetry Night was set to run through 2012 at this location, but due to professional expansions, they are no longer able to host us. Rather than find a temporary home for the final months of the year, we're going to do it all in one night and say goodbye in style with TWO features, expanded hours and Portland favorite-the Pointy House! Speaking of local favorites, GREG GERDING will be dropping by, and he's doing a full set. He is the founding editor of University of Hell Press, home to many absurdly talented familiar faces, including Johnny No Bueno, Eirean Bradley, Lindsey Kugler, Brian Ellis and Greg himself. Portland has been his home for several years now, and is all the luckier he has chosen to expand his press with us. CHRIS LEJA is another founder, but of our sorry asses. He has been to nationals numerous times, with Lewis and Clark and (more recently) Portland Poetry Slam. Chris' first full-length book of poems, Living Myths, is due out early January with Sparrow Ghost Publishing, after which he'll be embarking on the first ever official SGC tour, "No, Regrets" in early 2013! Until then, there's always chapbooks and sexual favors. He will have both. Inquire within. Beer (21+), newcomers and their attractive friends are always welcome. 8:00-11:30 PM. -The Sparrow Ghost Collective