Organized By The Hive - Vancouver
210 - 128 West Hastings Street,Vancouver (49.282143, -123.108008)
Last year, we invited our friends, neighbours, and the general public to come check out our space, meet our members, and learn more about what they're doing in the community. The event was a success and this year, to kick off yet another busy fall season of coworking, we are once again inviting anyone and everyone to another awesome open house. We will be opening our doors to showcase all of the ridiculously interesting work our members are doing! Come engage in conversation with HiVE members and connect with other people and organizations in Vancouver's local, sustainable, and change-making community. Guests are invited to mingle with the bees and go around the space, from one desk to another. There will be snacks and cash bar available. A list of confirmed participants will be posted closer to the date. The event is free, but registration is required. Please RSVP at #swarmthehive #hiveopenhouse