Organized By The English Room
Käthe-Kollwitz-Str. 54,Leipzig (51.336952, 12.358406)
After the Christmas break we're back with our famous QUIZ NIGHT. Below you can find the rules of the game and other things you should know. 1) There will be a small entrance fee of 1 Euro (per person) to compete (this money will then be part of the grand prize). 2) The maximum no. of people in a team is five. Teams of larger sizes will be split up! 3) More chances to win points and prizes: • General Knowledge Round: if you're stuck and don't know the answer, the funniest wrong answer wins a prize...a round of beers for that group (or a soft drink for the drivers). • True or False Knockout: send your brainiest member up to the front and have the chance to gain extra points that might push you ahead of the pack. 4) To keep those brain cells working properly, we will be offering a delicious warming spicy parsnip soup inspired by Jamie Oliver. A vegetarian and meat version will be available. Bring friends, colleagues and family.