Bill McDermott: A Journey from Corner Store to Corner Office

Organized By TU München

Location: TUM Campus Garching

Boltzmannstraße,Garching bei München (48.266750, 11.672440)


Bill McDermott is chief executive officer of SAP, the world’s business software market leader. He leads the company’s nearly 80,000 employees and 2+ million-person ecosystem in executing SAP’s vision to help the world run better and improve people’s lives. In his talk "Winners Dream: A Journey from Corner Store to Corner Office", Bill McDermott will draw on stories from his own life to illustrate how relentless optimism, hard work, and disciplined execution can help people and organizations to achieve audacious goals. The talk is presented by our Graduate School and the Center of Doctoral Studies in Informatics and its Applications (CeDoSIA). For more details, please visit: Date: 16.09.2016, 13:30 - 14:30 Location: Intermis 2, Boltzmannstr. 5, TUM Campus Garching This event is free of charge, but advance registration is required via: