Production Seminar, The Robin Mukherjee Roadshow & Parent Coffee

Organized By Southwestern Advantage UK - Highlanders

Location: Edinburgh Training and Conference Venue

16 St Mary's Street,Edinburgh (55.950138, -3.183855)


Hi Superstars, Get Excited! The most important event before the summer is just around a corner. The meeting will be divided into three different sections: 8:30 am - PRODUCTION SEMINAR This part is full of technical training on every step of the Cycle of Sales to help you get ready before the summer. There will be a lot of sales training, product knowledge and workshops that your managers prepared for you. 12:00 - THE ROBIN MUKHERJEE ROADSHOW The President of International Sales, Robin Mukherjee, will be teaching a lot of great things that you need to prepare for a great summer. He will share his secrets of success that are very inspirational and motivational. Companies pay $2,000 per delegate for the training that you will receive for FREE! 2:00 pm - THE PARENT COFFEE This part is for the parents of all the students and student managers selected to participate in our 2014 summer. It's designed to give parents a better insight into what you will be doing during the summer and there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions. Once the meeting is finished we will head for camping. We look forward to seeing you all there!