Organized By Rich King
322 Franklin Blvd,Somerset (40.497139, -74.478409)
Smash Bros Wii U & Melee Tournament This KTAR will be held at the original KTAR venue (the church). The November 7th KTAR is still going on here: Venue Fee: $10 Smash 4 Singles: $10 Melee Singles: $10 Smash 4 Doubles: $10 (per person) Melee Doubles: $10 (per person) Stream Links: Smash 4 - Rush Hour Smash Melee - Hitbox Arena Schedule: 10 am: Registration begins 11:30 am: Smash 4 Doubles 12:00 am: Melee Doubles 3:00 pm: Singles registration closes 3:00 pm: Melee Singles 3:30 pm: Smash 4 Singles 11:00 pm: Venue closes Smash 4 Singles Payout 1st: 48% 2nd: 22% 3rd: 14% 4th: 8% 5th: 4% Smash 4 Singles payouts (If over 100 entrants) 1st: 48% 2nd: 20% 3rd: 12% 4th: 8% 5th: 4% 7th: 2% Melee Singles 1st: 50% 2nd: 25% 3rd: 15% 4th: 10% Doubles: (10 or more teams): 1st: 50% 2nd: 25% 3rd: 15% 4th: 10% Doubles: (9 or less teams) 1st: 55% 2nd: 25% 3rd: 15% Smashboards page: Coming Soon Nintendodojo page: Coming Soon Stream by Rush Hour Smash! -Smash 4 Ruleset- General Rules 2 stock, 6 Minutes, Items set to off Custom Fighters is set to OFF Mii Fighters are legal. Each setup will have 1Â1Â1Â1 Mii Brawlers/Swordsmen/Gunners available for use (Using Default A-F standard size Miis provided on console). No other specials for Mii Fighters will be allowed. Players are not allowed to transfer existing Miis to a setup. Amiibos are not allowed Best of 3 sets, top 4 will be best of 5 If a match ends with a player using Bowsercide or Ganon's Flame Choke the win will go to the initiator of the move. You cannot counter pick to any stage you have already won on No excessive stalling Gentleman's Clause: Any stage may be played on if both players agree to it Allowed controllers: Gamecube Controller, Wii U Pro Controller, Wiimote, 3DS (Wii U Gamepad is not allowed) Starters/Neutral Stages Battlefield Final Destination Smashville Dreamland 64 Town & City Counterpick Stages Lylat Cruise Duck Hunt Omega Stages (if Final Destination is banned, Omega stages are as well) First stage is decided by banning from the stage list in P1-P2-P2-P1 order. Following stages decided by the winner banning 1 stage and then loser choosing -Melee Ruleset- General Rules Items off, 8 Minutes, 4 Stocks No excessive stalling (Rising Pound, Luigi ladder, etc.) Wobbling is legal, stalling past 300% is illegal Double Blind and Neutral Start is offered at request You cannot counter pick to any stage you have already won on Gentleman's Clause: Any stage may be played on if both players agree to it If a match times out, the winner is determined by remaining stocks, then lowest percentage on the same stock Pausing Results in a stock loss, at the discretion of the opponent Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character Starters/Neutral Stages Yoshi's Story Fountain of Dreams Battlefield Final Destination Dream Land Counterpick Stages: Pokemon Stadium The first stage is decided by banning from the Starter Stages in P1-P2-P2-P1 order Following stages decided by winner banning 1 stage and then loser choosing 3/5 Sets will have no bans -Contact- I respond to facebook messages or posts in this thread the quickest, but feel free to contact me using these other methods if needed: Email: [email protected] Phone Number: 908-380-3506