Organized By Queanbeyan City Library
6 Rutledge Street,Queanbeyan (-35.355385, 149.234744)
Join local author, archaeologist and librarian, L.J.M. Owen, at Queanbeyan City Library to discuss the creation of the new Canberra crime series Dr Pimms, Intermillennial Sleuth. The series explores ancient cultures, mysterious libraries and really good food. A Q&A on how L.J.M. Owen approached writing OLMEC OBITUARY, the first book in the Dr Pimms, Intermillennial Sleuth series, will follow this discussion. The event is Free and will include a book signing. Feel free to Share this invitation with your Queanbeyan bookworm friends! Please RSVP to the library on 6285 6255 or [email protected].