Organized By PNW Springmeet
McCormack Park ,Duvall Wa (47.740478, -121.986137)
The event is scheduled for August 3rd this year. The event title is going to be called the 'Sno River Rock Festival and Lighter than Aire Fair' to commemorate the original event in 1968. We have quite a counter-culture hippie history in our town and this event is designed to commemorate that. The event will be held in our McCormack Park which is a gorgeous location along the banks of the Snoqualmie River in downtown Duvall. It will be an all day event. PNW SpringmeetHappenstance will be helping with marketing and promotion only . This is an event planned by others. Events planned for the day include- Live music all day and into the evening culminating with 'Jr. Cadillac' as the title band Hot air balloon lifts with balloons tethered off giving visitors amazing views of the valley- just up and down... no free sailing. They will be then 'firing off' in the evening to really put on a show. Piano drop. Yes we will be dropping a piano.... We can also drop Volkswagons if there are any takers. Pretty fun... Beer and Wine garden with beers and wines specifically crafted for our Centennial Food, Food and Food Motorcycle show up on mainstreet VW show right in the heart of the festival- right in the park. With the music, with the balloons... beautiful location. And... how much better parking could you possible get!