Organized By Norml Nebraska
1445 K St,Lincoln (40.808090, -96.699587)
Lincoln Cannabis Liberation Day 2015| Saturday, May 2 Lincoln, NE Rally - March - Show to End All Cannabis Arrests NE NORML and Cures Not Wars Every 1st Saturday of May Worldwide! The Day: AM gathering on campus 12:30 Rally on N Steps of Capitol 4:20 Million Marijuana March 7:00 After-party at Bourbon Theatre with Music, Speeches, and Comedy This year's demands: No more arrests of patients and their caregivers for medical cannabis No more violent law enforcement tactics Let the hemp industry begin in Nebraska Let peer-reviewed science decide if pot is safe or not Harm reduction and treatment on demand Ibogaine treatment instead of incarceration Speaking organizations will be: NORML, Cures Not Wars, ACLU and more. Sign the Nebraska Medical Initiative - Learn How to Petition