New Hope Vacation Bible School "Go Big"

Organized By New Hope Foursquare Church

Location: New Hope Foursquare Church

4963 Swegle Rd NE,Salem (44.950034, -122.959884)


Vacation Bible School is right around the corner. This year our theme for VBS is GO BIG! It is different than your standard VBS-- GO BIG! is a multi-site VBS. This means we will be running GO BIG! at multiple locations around our city. This is truly an opportunity to GO BIG! and take the good news of Jesus to our community right where they are! Below you will find a list of Site Locations and ways you can be a part of this year’s VBS. Pick a site location you can be a part of and invite your friends and neighbors! We are expecting God to do great things as we GO BIG! together! SITE LOCATIONS: GO BIG! will be held in three locations. Each of them will meet Tuesday-Thursday, August 18-20 and are for ages 4-5th grade. Site 1: NEW HOPE CHURCH-BRIDGE AREA, East Salem Area, 9:30-11:30am Site 2: RIVER ROAD PARK, North Salem/Keizer Area, 5:30-8:00pm (dinner served from 5:30-6:00pm) Site 3: WOODMANSEE PARK, South Salem Area, 5:30-8:00pm (dinner served from 5:30-6:00pm)