Organized By Musica Antica da Camera
Voorschoten (52.125088, 4.446550)
oPolish music from the Renaissance and the Baroque Works by Leopolita, Mielczewski, Pekiel and others Baroque ensemble of the Royal Conservatoire under the direction of Andrzej Kosendiak in cooperation with the Polish Embassy of The Hague Friday 22 April at 20:15 in the Dorpskerk, Kerkplein 2, Voorschoten. Tonight we travel to Poland, a country with many outstanding composers that Musica Antica wishes to introduce you to. The talented young musicians of the Royal Conservatoire perform vocal and instrumental music proving that the influence of Polish composers on their western colleagues was greater than we perhaps thought. The programme includes works in Franco-Flemish style such those as by Marcin Leopolita, sacred music by Marcin Pękiel and instrumental works by Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki. General Director of Wrocław Philharmonic and International Festival Wratislavia Cantans, artist, conductor and teacher, Andrzej Kosendiak is among the most active musicians and organizers of Poland’s music life. He graduated from the Department of Composition, Conducting and Music Theory of Wrocław Academy of Music. Early music is of special interest to Andrzej Kosendiak: in 1985 he founded Collegio di Musica Sacra and has been its artistic director until now. He has performed in many European countries and in the US (cooperating, among others, with Chapel Hill University NC USA), and appeared at Poland’s most prestigious festivals and venues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admission €20,00 Students< 27 and CJP €10,00 at the venue. For tickets and reservations visit or call us on 070-3610540 and at the Diligentia Theatre Tue - Fri 13-16pm. KonCon students € 5 NEDERLANDS Poolse muziek uit de Renaisance en Barok Werken van Leopolita, Mielczewski, Pekiel en anderen Barokensemble van het Koninklijk Conservatorium o.l.v. Andrzej Kosendiak i.s.m. De Poolse Ambassade in Den Haag Vrijdag 22 april om 20:15 uur in de Dorpskerk, Kerkplein 2, Voorschoten. Vanavond gaan wij op reis naar Polen. Dit land heeft verschillende uitstekende componisten voortgebracht, die wij vanavond aan u voorstellen. De musici van het Koninklijk Conservatorium spelen vocale en instrumentale werken waaraan duidelijk is te horen dat de invloed van Poolse componisten op hun westerse collega's groter was dan menigeen vermoedt. Op het programma staan onder meer werken in Frans-Vlaamse stijl van Marcin Leopolita, geestelijke concerten van Marcin Pękiel en instrumentale concerten van Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki. Kaarten € 20,00 via of bel 070-3610540. Ook Theater Diligentia di-za 13-16u. Studenten < 27 jaar en CJP € 10,00 aan de zaal KonCon students € 5