Organized By Jenny Döll
Freiburg (47.983300, 7.850000)
Contact Improvisation und/als Performance (scroll down for english version) In diesem Workshop widmen wir uns der Schnittstelle zwischen Contact Improvisation und Performance. Dazu werden wir einerseits die Grundlagen der CI, wie geteiltes Gewicht oder Führen und Folgen vertiefen, und ein gemeinsames Grundvokabular finden. Daneben erforschen wir Prinzipien und Fragestellungen von Performance - wie gebe ich dem, was ich tue, in Kategorien von Zeit und Raum Gestalt? Wie kann ich innere Impulse, Imagination und meine äußere Umgebung gleichermaßen präsent haben und in Verhältnis setzen? Wie verändert sich der Tanz durchs Betrachtet werden? Über Improvisationsaufgaben, die uns kompositorische Prinzipien im Tanz erfahren lassen, üben wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit so zu erweitern, dass sie sowohl den Kontakt mit einem oder mehreren PartnerInnen erfasst, als auch die Architektur, die uns umgibt. In einem abschließenden Showing haben wir die Möglichkeit, kurze Improvisationen vor der Gruppe und vor Freunden und Bekannten zu performen. Erfahrung in Contact Improvisation oder Bewegungsimprovisation sind Voraussetzung. Bei Unsicherheit gerne Nachfragen! Sa 10-17:00, So 11-18:00 Bewegungs-art-Studio im E-Werk Preis regulär 100-120 € Sliding Scale Frühbucherpreis: 90-110 € (bis 6.4.) Für Leute von Auswärts ist eine Übernachtungsmöglichkeit im Studio organisierbar (nähere Infos bei Anmeldung) Info und Anmeldung: Contact Improvisation and/as performance In this workshop we look at the intersection between Contact Improvisation and performance. Additionally to deepening CI-basics like shared weight or leading and following, we will explore principles and questions of performance. That will help us develop a common basic vocabulary and we can deal with questions like: how do I shape what I do in categories of time and space? How can I perceive both: inner impulses and my outer environment and thus find a dance that is not only enjoyable for myself but also enthralling for others to see? We use improvisation tasks to help us experience compositional principles in dance. By that we practice broadening our perception so that it includes our contact to our partner(s) as well as the surrounding space. In a final showing we have the opportunity to perform short improvisations for the group and for friends. Experience in Contact Improvisation or movement-improvisation is required. If you are uncertain don’t hesitate to ask us! Jenny Döll is a freelance dancer, dance-and music-pedagogue and performer. She studied movement- and music- education (Dalcroze-Eurhythmics) in Essen and Berlin, graduated in dance at bewegungs-art Freiburg and studied with many internationally renowned dance artists such as Kirstie Simson, Ray Chung, Daniel Lepkoff and others. She danced for Company Blu, Doro Eitel and makes her own work in collaboration with other artists. She is currently particularly interested in free improvisation/ instant composition as an art form itself, also in relation to improvised music. As a dance teacher she works with adults and children, leads classes and workshops and teaches CI at international festivals. Anna Neuber is a freelance dancer and dance-teacher. She graduated in dance at bewegungs-art Freiburg and as a Community Performance Teacher at Y.O.P. Hamburg. She also holds a diploma in pedagogy and currently takes part in a vocational training to become a shiatsu practitioner. As a dancer she is actively engaged in several companies - amongst others as a core member of LDCollectiv and KohlEckTief - and makes her own work. As a dance teacher she leads workshops and regular classes in CI and improvisation for adults and children. sat: 10-17:00, sun 11-18:00 at e-werk-studio of beweguns-art regular price: 100-120 € sliding scale early bird price: 90-110 € (until 6th of April) For people from out of town there's the opportunity to sleep in the studio (more infos on that with registration) info and registration: