Family Bowling Fundraiser Event

Organized By Jennifer Claus-Hoyer

Location: Woodland Lanes

33775 Plymouth Rd,Livonia (42.367448, -83.375864)


Come join us on Sunday, June 12th from 1 to 4 pm for a day of family fun. $20 for 2 games of bowling, rental shoes, pizza, chips & pop. $10 for 2 pcs. pizza, chips & pop (non-bowlers) Raffle Prizes and 50/50 Drawings for kids & adults. Attendance will be helping Jaden Hoyer receive new medical treatment through a Certified Diabetic Alert Service Dog. She is starting this long process (which takes a year) and your contribution will help manage her disease at home and at school so she can live a normal healthy life. We will be having a special 4 legged guest making an appearance at this event! We will be selling items to support Diabetes awareness which funds 2% of an hour of research. Our goal is to advocate about Type 1 Diabetes by offering information and support services for the community until a cure can be found. For more information about her story go to: For more information about training services go to: