Organized By Haley Stone
Mcdougal Chapel Sundre (51.801401, -114.642708)
Come one come all for a fablous afternoon of visits and snuggles to meet Kohen :) Ladies please bring snacks ! Snacks and coffee, punch will be provided. The church is 3 miles straight west of sundre. There will be balloons and a sign outside you can look for. Things we need. New crib set. Room decals Breast Pump Breast milk storage bags Monitor Sleepers One-Piece under ware Socks Scratch mittens Bottles Bottles Brush Bibs Bottle sterilizer Extra nipples Wipes Shampoo & Lotions Pacifiers Towels Washcloths Bouncer Head support for car seat Baby picture frames Baby detergent Shoes Bigger size clothes Gift cards are welcome as well. I know its the long weekend but that's the only possible time I could do it.