Organized By GDG Regensburg
Wahlenstraße 17,Regensburg (49.019150, 12.095680)
Hallo liebe Stammtischler, Felix Bruckmeier wird uns im Juli unter dem schmissigen Titel "Functional Programming Abstractions - One API to rule them all" erneut in die schöne Welt des Functional Programming geleiten. Abstract: "When using a new library or framework, software developers often face the challenge of having to learn a new, unfamiliar API. This can lead to a frustrating experience and slow progress. With functional programming techniques becoming more and more mainstream, once again we are faced with many new concepts and have to decide whether they're worth our time. In this talk, I'd like to give a short introduction to some of these concepts and show by example that this time we can actually re-use the functional APIs in many contexts and even across programming languages. Afterwards everyone is of course invited to ask questions, discuss the presented ideas or share their own experiences. Note: There is no prior knowledge about functional programming required, but having experiences in languages like Java8, Swift, Kotlin, JavaScript6 (or TypeScript), etc. might help." Der Vortrag wird, sofern nicht anders gewünscht, auf Deutsch gehalten. Anmeldung unter möglich.