Wake up and shine with Ariel & Kathy / 27 Sept

Organized By Easyoga Hong Kong

Location: Easyoga Kwun Tong Studio

11/F, Ming Sang Industrial Building, No. 21 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong,Kwun Tong (22.309393, 114.225628)


Let's..... wake up and shine with Ariel & Kathy! :-) Mimicking us just rolling out of bed and into our weekend, we start with a more yin style of flowing sequence from the floor up. We gently wake ourselves up with some hip-openers, full spinal movements, and a strong standing sequence. In this 90-minute class, we pay particular focus on how the chi or energy flows throughout our body. Be ready to be fully-charged for your weekend! Date: 27 Sept (sat) Time: 11:00 - 12:30pm Location: Easyoga Kwun Tong Studio, 11/F, Ming Sang Industrial Building, No. 21 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon Payment: $180 Don't forget to reserve your mat here! http://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ws.asp?studioid=175940&stype=-7 Inquiry: [email protected] / 2983 2130 (CWB showroom) 2345 6604 ( Kwun Tong studio & showroom )