Organized By David Nguyen
18712 University Dr,Irvine (33.655128, -117.830575)
Hi all! It's that time of the quarter again! Our Inter-ESO BBQ will be on Sunday, May 31st, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Mason Park! Come out and enjoy burgers, hotdogs, sports, and the company of all of the fantastic ESO's! Tau Beta Pi will be providing the burgers and hot dogs, but if your organization is attending, please sign up to bring one section of materials in the google doc here: @[NjQyMTgzOTU5MjA4MTA3Omh0dHBzXGEvL2RvY3MuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS9zcHJlYWRzaGVldHMvZC8xTXRGb2N1R29pbmxTZVJKLXp2eEl3SDVxcFdOTGl3a2xcYmZqNGNSVlxic0ZnL2VkaXQ/dXNwPXNoYXJpbmc6Og==:] If you have any questions, please contact me, David Nguyen, or Max Estrada, on facebook. Hope to see you all there!