Organized By CrossFit Cologne
Maarweg 132,Cologne (50.944151, 6.898748)
Die 2015 Open Workouts werden jeden Samstag vom 28. Februar bis 28. März um 13 Uhr in der CrossFit Cologne Box im Maarweg 132 in Ehrenfeld zusammen absolviert. Ihr seid alle herzlich eingeladen, die teilnehmenden Athleten anzufeuern. "The 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games season begins with the online Open. Anyone can sign up to compete in five workouts over five weeks and post their scores online. Last year, the Open reached more than 209,000 athletes from around the world. The 2015 Open begins Thursday, Feb. 26. That evening, tune into the live Open announcement show streamed to Director of the Games Dave Castro will announce Open Workout 15.1 and moments later top Games athletes will complete that workout going head to head. Athletes will submit their scores throughout the weekend. The hard deadline for score submissions is 5 p.m. PT, Monday, March 2. Don't be late! 15.1: Feb. 26 -March 2 15.2: March 5-9 15.3: March 12-16 15.4: March 19-23 15.5: March 26-30 A scaled option of the Open workout will be released each week of the Open. With reduced loading or less challenging movements, the scaled option will be designed to make the Open even more accessible."