Organized By Connexxion Konferenz
Jugendherberge Köln-Riehl, Cologne, Germany (50.964100, 6.980485)
WAS? Vorträge | Austausch | Workshops | Gemeinschaft | Lobpreis WIESO? Für eine Injektion an Vision, Strategie, praktischen Fähigkeiten und Inspiration für alle, die in ihrem Glauben wachsen wollen und einen Unterschied für Jesus in ihrem Umfeld, der Stadt, dem Land und der Welt machen wollen! ____________________________ WHAT is GLOW? Powerful Messages | Strategic Networking | "How-to" Workshops | Fun Fellowship | Tune -In Worship WHO should participate? For all who need a fresh injection of vision, strategy, practical skills and inspiration in their lives and their ministries! For all who want to grow in their faith and make a BIG difference as they "glow" for Jesus in their sphere of influence, in their city, their country and the world!