Organized By Commissioner Monica J. Lindeen
626 E Main St,Bozeman (45.678903, -111.027211)
Come to a FREE meal and a movie event and learn how to protect yourself from financial fraud. Enjoy a screening of Gold Diggers: Investment Fraud in the Treasure State, which is narrated by award-winning actor Bill Pullman. This documentary tells the story of two of Montana’s most infamous investment scams in recent history: the Art Heffelfinger Ponzi scheme in Montana City and the Anne Schlenker investment theft in Bozeman. Lindeen’s office produced Gold Diggers with a grant from the Investor Protection Trust (, a nationally-recognized nonprofit organization devoted to investor education. Since 1993 the IPT has worked with the States to provide the independent, objective investor education needed by all Americans to make informed investment decisions. All funding for the Trust comes from voluntary and court-ordered contributions from criminals who commit investment fraud. When the Commissioner’s office prosecutes cases of investment fraud, the Commissioner can request a contribution to the Trust as part of the settlement, but only after the victims are made whole and fines to the state have been paid. The IPT helps pay for the expenses associated with bringing the documentary across Montana, including meals. RSVPs are requested: Reserve your seat at