Car Culture Uk Presents: Sitting Pretty At The Speedway

Organized By Car Culture UK

Location: Rockingham Motor Speedway

Mitchell Road,Corby (52.514136, -0.661785)


Car culture uk presents .... sitting pretty at the speedway Quick lowdown for the day .... *show and shine competition *drift paddock ( learn 2 drift ) * hot and cold food and drink *club stand area *promo girls *media coverage *charity donations (cruzin 4 sands) going to be a great day out at our good old stomping ground Rockingham Motor Speedway Lots more planned for this event to make it a fun filled day out for our fans. *show and shine competition This will be a great chance for you to have your pride and joy and the center of attention in the best location at the show. We would invite anyone to enter by simply sending us a message via PM to the car culture team with a picture of the car where we will have a judging panel on the day to choose a winner of the sitting pretty show where you will win a fantastic prize. just by showing your pride and joy. So please pm us with the pictures of your ride and a little about the car and why it should win. Entry fee for you to enter your car is only £5 *prizes 1st place £50 along with ccuk hoodie and ccuk sticker 2nd place £30 and a ccuk hoodie and ccuk sticker 3rd place ccuk hoodie and ccuk sticker So get them pm to me and enter your pretty rides *drift paddock (learn 2 drift) On the day we will have learn to drift in the drift paddock teaching people how to drift and offering high speed passenger rides on the day in there competition cars. £10 ..3 high speed laps £15 ..5 high speed laps Pop over to the learn to drift bus located next to the show and shine area to get yourself into a drift car. *exclusive club stand area We are looking at hosting a club stand VIP area where you and your club can have your own allocated area to park and pose your club together. All requests could we please have a pm from the club owner and a rough idea of how many attending. We will also give you coverage of your club so please send us club logo and we will show that your club is attending. Please also feel free to bring club banners along to promote the club as looking at getting as much medIa as possible. *media coverage We are inviting some of the UK ' S most talented media photographers and film editors to get as much media as possible. If you have a interest in media and you have your own media fan base please contact us and we welcome you free of charge entry to the show and willing to see what you can offer us. *charity donations We are welcoming once again a charity close to our hearts cruzin 4 sands and encourage you that if you do have any spare change on the day to pop over to them and pop a donation in the bucket all for a good cause.