The Bad Vibes Club: The Rise of The Awkward Turtle - Andrea Francke, Matthew de Kersaint Giraudeau

Organized By CCA Derry~Londonderry

Location: CCA Derry

Londonderry (54.993964, -7.320916)


CCA is happy to present a public event with The Bad Vibes Club. Join Andrea Francke and Matthew de Kersaint Giraudeau on Saturday 4th June from 4:30pm for an afternoon of presentations and discussion exploring awkwardness. From a micro-history of the awkward turtle hand gesture, to the potential of awkwardness as a queered mode of politics, we’ll try to understand the particular qualities of awkwardness as a feeling and a relation, and what its productive possibilities might be. The Bad Vibes Club is a collaborative research project into the productive possibilities of negative states. It produces original research, and hosts lectures and reading groups at galleries and institutions. The event will be followed by the opening of MSL and Jaakko Pallasvuo's 'Bridge Over Troubled Water'. At 8pm a new performance developed by MSL will accompany the exhibition opening.