Organized By Angelika Strohmayer
Newcastle City Centre,Newcastle upon Tyne (54.973723, -1.613459)
I want to organise a group of knitters, crocheters, yarn artists, sewers, and whatever else you might identify with to make a mural that spells out #refugeeswelcome to be put up somewhere in Newcastle. I can't do this alone, and would need lots of help! I thought that we could do a square a person with a symbol/letter in each square to spell out the words, and depending on how many people get involved and how much we can get done, maybe a nice border around it too? Time and place are very flexible at the minute, as I am happy to change things according to when people are available :) **Also, I'd like this to maybe continue on after the first event...maybe get a group of social justice yarn art going? Maybe do a hat/sock/mitten/scarf knit appeal going for refugees in the North East, Calais, or the rest of Europe? Any other thoughts?