Organized By Maroš Baran
divadlo elledanse, Miletičova 17/B, Bratislava (48.130686, 17.104356)
MAROSBARAN feat. PHRAGMENTS - NEVĎAČNOSŤ (fashion performance) 19.4.2013 20:00 "That Desire Is a Burden We Could Well Do Without." divadlo elledanse, Miletičova 17/B Bratislava vstup: dospelý 5€, študent - free Podľa knihy/filmu J.M.Coetzee - Disgrace (1999/2008) špeciálna vďaka: J.B., Conny Groenewegen, Wim Evals, Kim Philipsen, Laura Verdonk, P.B., Jakub Gulyás ENG: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAROSBARAN feat. PHRAGMENTS DISGRACE (fashion performance) 19.4.2013 20:00 "That Desire Is a Burden We Could Well Do Without." elledanse theater, Miletičova 17/B Bratislava entry: adult 5€, student - free Based on best-selling book/movie J.M.Coetzee - Disgrace (1999/2008) special thx to: J.B., Conny Groenewegen, Wim Evals, Kim Philipsen, Laura Verdonk, P.B., Jakub Gulyás ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A TALE ABOUT DESIRE “ When you were smaller, next door neighbour had a dog, a golden retriever, remember?“ - “ Dimly.“ “ It was a male. And whenever a bitch went past, it got excited,unmanageable. And with a Pavlovian regularity, its owner would beat it, so that at the mere smell of a bitch, the dog would run away with it's ears flat and it s tail between his legs, whining and trying to hide. - “ I don't see the point.“ “ Well, you can punish a dog for chewing a slipper, the dog can accept that. But desire is another story. ...the poor dog had begun to hate its own nature. It no longer needed to be beaten, it punished itself. At that point, it would have been better to shoot it.“ (J.M.Coetzee – Disgrace 2008, movie)