San Francisco Stands with the Arctic 30

Organized By Greenpeace USA

Location: Ferry Building

1 Ferry Building,San Francisco (37.795500, -122.393700)


After a peaceful protest to stop climate change, Russian authorities seized 28 international activists and two freelance journalists along with Greenpeace's ship, the Arctic Sunrise, on September 19th. Those activists and journalists, including the American ship captain, are now detained in a Russian jail being charged with piracy - which could mean a 15 year sentence. We're calling them the Arctic 30. Join San Franciscans and thousands of people worldwide on Saturday for a global day of solidarity for the Arctic 30. Peaceful activism is vital when governments fail to respond to catastrophic climate change. We’re calling on everyone who knows it’s time to take action on climate change to stand with our brave friends now in a global candlelight vigil this Saturday. We'll meet at the San Francisco Ferry building at 6:30pm for a brief speech from Arctic Campaign Director Gustavo Ampugnani, a moment of silence, and a photo. Details: This Saturday, October 5th 6:30pm, at the San Francisco Ferry Building. Port of San Francisco side, near where the ferry boards. Look for activists with large #freethearctic30 signs. Photo will be taken at dusk (7:00pm) bring a candle in a glass or ceramic container. We will have extras if you don't have one contact [email protected] for questions